Tuesday 3/28/06
banged out 2300 yards in 1:06 today. Huge improvement. If I didn't need so much technique work, I swear I would swim on my own all the time.
So, here is the funny part of the training day. You know how they say "There are 2 types of cyclist, those that have fallen and those that will..." Well, I didn't know that transcended onto the trainer as well.
I setup for a good ride - 1 1/2 with a Z3 HR in the middle 30 minutes. made it to minute 51 and *POP* Down goes Frazier. Of course, I fell to the left - which happened to be the hip wound from last week. Safe dismount...I mean landing and all is well. I was cutting the ride down to an hour as it was since my thighs were on fire and I had a tough time putting out enough effort to get into Z3 as I should have. Now, let's see how the ole legs feel in the morning for Masters....

Power files are looking soo much better. I still have a long way to go, but compared to my first files, my cadence is improving. Still in the 'suck' range but moved up to 'doesn't suck as much'. That is progress in my book. 2nd 30 minutes was just plain tough on the legs tonight.
So, here is the funny part of the training day. You know how they say "There are 2 types of cyclist, those that have fallen and those that will..." Well, I didn't know that transcended onto the trainer as well.
I setup for a good ride - 1 1/2 with a Z3 HR in the middle 30 minutes. made it to minute 51 and *POP* Down goes Frazier. Of course, I fell to the left - which happened to be the hip wound from last week. Safe dismount...I mean landing and all is well. I was cutting the ride down to an hour as it was since my thighs were on fire and I had a tough time putting out enough effort to get into Z3 as I should have. Now, let's see how the ole legs feel in the morning for Masters....

Power files are looking soo much better. I still have a long way to go, but compared to my first files, my cadence is improving. Still in the 'suck' range but moved up to 'doesn't suck as much'. That is progress in my book. 2nd 30 minutes was just plain tough on the legs tonight.
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