Wednesday, June 28, 2006

6.28.06 - 40 lbs down and kicking some #$*

First off, I have to start with the topic of the lady in my Pilate's class tonight. Strategically positioned directly in front of me and wearing what appeared to be stripper shorts - the only thing she was missing was the clear heals. Now, to set the record straight - I could only imagine that strippers would wear shorts like these and have heard that they are partial to clear heals. I have no personal, first hand knowledge of this. And, I have no SO, so I am allowed to look and even gaze :)

However, Pilate's was way more fun tonight than it was on Monday night. I shant be missing a class and will pray each night that she wears those exact shorts to class. Oh, and the workout was great too!

Got up this morning and hit the pool for a good Master's workout. I squeezed out 1450 again with little to no effort. Concentrated on a lot of kicking drills today with long sets. Form is feeling better and it was great to feel my back muscles and lats involved in the mix.

Had a 40 minute cadence workout today. 10' warm-up 20' @ 105+ RPMs with a 10' cool down. Once I settled in on the warm up, I set the calibration on the CompuTrainer and started my cadence work. As I kicked up the cadence, and I could feel the fat on my back bouncing, I figured that was a good place to back off and settle in - or at least try to. Still don’t have a smooth cadence but was staying higher than I ever have. And, most of this workout was done in aero - which would not have ever happened before my fitting right before my injury and illness. Still amazed at the difference a few tweaks here and there make. Was nice to see the majority of my distribution was in the 90s to the 109s. Even during my cool down my natural selected cadence was 85-90, which is a huge improvement. I did take 2 breaks to shift things on the saddle during the 20'spin, so I laid in a couple extra minutes for coach to make up for that. Plus, I forgot to tighten my trainer and had to get off during warm-up to fix that before I went down again.

Power file is looking much better! The blue is where I highlighted my 20 min session in Cycling Peak's WKO+.

Heart rate held up great here and I didn't feel like I was dying. I pulled up a report in my TrainingPeaks account to flag the past workouts I had done like this and found one, with HR data from March. 100% of my time was spent in zone 1. This time it was much better distributed.
Another great day of training. I did move my walk to tomorrow and will get an extra spin in as I am heading to the IMFL course in Panama City Beach in the morning for a couple of days. Will be my first ride back on the rode as I can actually get a helmet on my noodle again - finally! Looking forward to some ocean swims and runs and rides on the course.

In closing, all I can say is 'Man, Pilate's class rocked tonight!"

6.27.06 Coming together!

I only had a ride and a strength workout for today - and it included core. Since I did my core in my new class at the gym Monday, I did my strength workout and took an extra 30 minutes to hop up on the treadmill and turn the legs over for an extra workout.

It was so nice to not feel rushed going from strength to core. And, I feel like I got 10 times the core workout in with the class as opposed to doing it on my own. That makes the class so well worth it.

I did move my bike to Wednesday and that may force me to shuffle a 1:15 Zone 2 walk on Wednesday to Thursday. Since I am taking some time off from work and heading to Panama City to get some swim, bike and run course training in, I should have some extra time for everything.

Tomorrow I do have my morning swim, a 40 minute cadence specific drill ride, the walk and Pilate's. Don't see getting all that in with work, church, and edging the yard. Bumping my walk to Thursday should make for a hectic, but doable schedule.

Hallah is off spending the night at a friend’s house. So, that frees me up just a tad as well.

I got called today for a meeting to help put on a Tri and Time Trial here in the area. So, it looks like a lunch meeting is in order tomorrow as I head to PC Beach. Thankfully, we are meeting by the bay and it is right on the way anyway. I hope they aren't wanting to do this anytime soon. Certainly don't have the time to add this to my plate right now. But, I will go and see what they are looking for.

Felt great today and felt like I am back on track. A shuffle of a workout or 2 doesn't bother me. It happens and is almost expected. So it is all good.

Oh, and I just realized what I am passing everyday as I head to and leave Masters swimming. I refer to it as Mecca and sometimes Heaven. The challenge continues!

Monday, June 26, 2006

6.26.06 Back in the pool finally!

Went down to swim with Grace this morning. Closer to home and a more flexible schedule where I can work around Hallah than where I was going with Steve out at the local Junior College.

Was able to pull out 1450 back in the pool and felt pretty good about it. I was definitely feeling it, but it was a good feeling!

Went to what was to be a yoga class at the gym, but the instructor is out for a month and they had a Pilate’s instructor taking over for that time. I was all about getting my core done with a group as I just suck doing it on my own with weights. So, I was staying.

I confirmed that I have the flexibility of a 2x4 - still. My hips were soooo tight. Hope after a few weeks of this that will improve. I can so see the benefit on the bike and running from the ball work. Best core workout I have had since I have been doing core.

Being the only guy in the class, one of the ladies came up to me afterwards and said she hoped I would come back on Wednesday night and there would be a couple of guys that come on Wednesdays. I simply told her I was here for the ladies and didn't care if another guy was there or not :) She just smiled. I think she knew that was a joke.

Tomorrow is weights and a ride. Going to get a good, extra walk in after weights. I tried to get one in today, but it was 8:30pm when I got off my Deere and finished up my yard work. And, I was tired. No trouble passing out and going to bed last night and slept like a baby!

In the words of Ice Cube - Today was a Good Day!

6.25.06 Summary of the week - the path to Hell is paved with many good intentions...

You know, I was excited last week about getting a few workouts in and about being able to get back on the road since I could wear a helmet again. Really looked forward to this week. But, looking forward to the week does not cut it.

I got a well deserved and very nicely put ass chewing from Mike about over-extending myself with other priorities. To my fault, I have always had about 10 more irons in the fire than I should at any time and continue looking for more to throw in there. Volunteered to head up the presidency at our local tri club, which is above and beyond the duties I volunteered for last year to coach this year's training group for 16 weeks. I think that was the final straw with Mike :) I also work way too much - a fault of just simply enjoying what I do - coaching and my day job with TrainingPeaks. Donavon, our CEO, has talked to me about this a couple of times over the past 3 years as well. You think when your boss requests you to cut back a bit you would. So, I am making a very concentrated effort to manage my time better, take full care of my work, and also get my training back in the priority list where it should be. Having the 6 weeks off with the broken toe and the nasty staff infection has made it tough to get back into a rhythm.

Then, to top things off, a friend of mine from high school was in town, called, and we met up. Not meaning to close down the world famous McGuire’s Irish Pub - we thought we were 18 again and did just that Thursday night. It was a much needed break from life in general to throw something in the mix and get out on the town and do something - which I do not do - ever. Had a blast, but paid for it through the rest of the week from just being exhausted. Had a call with a coach first thing Friday morning and it felt like I shut my eyes and the alarm went off and there I was on the phone with the coach. I was worthless through the weekend! Regrets – none, I think the mental break was well needed. But, gotta keep that in check.

So, I think I am heading to Panama City Beach to stay a night and get Saturday's workout in on IM FL course. Looking forward to riding back over there again and maybe spark some memories form the '03 race.

I did manage to get a couple good bike workouts and runs in this week. But, being pretty much all healed - with the exception of being able to get back in the pool last week - I should have gotten a lot more in.

Doc released me to the pool for now. Will miss another week as I have to let a surgeon cut on the back of my head and clean some tissue out and sew it up. So, stitch time will force me back out for about a week coming up.

We will see how I do with my new concentrations. Now I have to add to my schedule an additional 21 days of the Tour de France viewing starting Saturday as well. Thank God for Tivo! Only about 19 or so weeks away - it is past Go Time!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

6/12-6/17 Catching up last week

Well, has been super crazy here with one of the guys out on vacation and me covering for him. Plus my regular duties and then starting up the Mere Mortals training group here. Just not enough time in the day.

BUT - I did get back out last week and got my step test done for LT and Power on the CompuTrainer, another bike ride in on the trainer and a couple of walk/runs - mostly walks :)

The step test was pretty cool. I had Hallah sitting with me recording my HR and RPE as I started at 100 watts and did two 1 minute intervals increasing the wattage by 20 watts after the 2nd minute. We recorded data for each minute. I think I threw a lung around the 2nd minute of 240 watts. Tough test, but cool to do. Hallah had a lot more fun than I did. Man how their attention fades at 11. Glad she was there to help out. I was in no shape to write anything down since I got into it.

I actually was able to get a little jogging in on my runs for the first half. Any fitness gains seem to be lost from the 5 or 6 weeks I was down. Can't get back into the pool just yet. Hoping the week after next is go time for the swim. I need the running work more than anything.

I actually was able to get a little jogging in on my runs for teh first half. Any fitness gains seem to be lost froom teh 5 or 6 weeks I was down. Can't get back into the pool just yet. Hoping the week after next is go time for the swim. I need to running work more than anything.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

6.12.06 Back on the bike and dusted off the Computrainer!

Well, I didn't get my extra walk for an hour in like I planned. But, I did get my step test done on the CompuTrainer. David at Gulf Coast Cycle Fit gave me some advice after our fit session about getting my bars up and out just a bit. I took him up on it and Robbie over at Bikes Plus was able to get me where David suggested.

Doing my first ride after bout a month or so off with the broken toe and that nasty infection, I was pretty stoked to get back on the bike and see how the new adjustments felt. I went down shortly after getting my new fit with David, and now with the newer changes, I wanted to see how it all pulled together.

Couldn't believe how comfy I was on the bike with the total package in place now. Great job by David and Robbie to pull this all together. I hope to see some great improvements as I get my fitness back.

Got a ride, weights, and that walk to get in tonight. Tivo'ing the game, so I should be able to hit the gym and skip the commercials when I get back :)

Hope Shaq shows up tonight to play!

Monday, June 12, 2006

6.12.06 It is good to be back!

Going out for a lunch time run and have some testing on the CompuTrainer tonight. I will have to dust that puppy off since I broke the toe and then got the staff infection right when it was delivered. But, I did manage to get it all set up and hooked to a scrap dedicated PC I built before I went down for the count.

Started working with our local group, Mere Mortals, where our tri club trains for 16 weeks with mostly newer triathletes in the area to prepare them for our local sprint race and help them grow in the sport. I am fortunate enough to get to write the training plans and work with the group at our training sessions each week out at Pensacola Beach. Getting up at 5am is a challenge on Sunday, but well worth it.

Hope to check back in tonight with 2 workout updates. Not able to hit the pool just yet. Still have some stuff running out of my noggin - so I don't think anyone would appreciate me getting in the pool with them just yet. May go see a surgeon this week to get this thing cleaned and packed. Hope to be in the pool next week!

Friday, June 02, 2006

6.2.06 I can't even begin to describe the pain I have been in

For the past 11 days, I have been huddled up in the fetal position in my recliner. I developed a staff infection at the base of my neck and I tell you, in 37 years, this has been the most excruciating pain I have ever had to endure. Past the pain of the infection itself, every muscle in my neck and back feel torn and twisted.

I started growing a knot on the back of my noggin and once it hit the size of a softball and hurt bad enough that I could not put any pressure on it, I thought it might be wise to see a doc about it. It got to that point after a day, so i didn't wait too long. The doc said they couldn't drain it since there was nothing to drain - it was hard as a rock. I figured it was just an ingrown hair that got infected or something.

I will spare you the gory and gross details of this fun event. Yesterday, I went back to the doctor for a 2nd draining and to get my culture results. As I was on my stomach with my wound uncovered, the doc walked in and all I heard was 'Ewwww'. I couldn't help but think, "that ain't good!".

He wanted to go ahead and send me to a surgeon to get the area really cleaned out and remove any bad tissue in there. He started to do the draining and decided to hold of on a visit to the surgeon for now. The lab results showed that I didn't have the staff infection that would require them to remove my neck to get rid of it - I call that bonus! So, we switched from the $100 antibiotic to a $17 10 day cycle and more pain pills to help manage the pain.

I asked if he could give me something a bit stronger for the pain as I told him what he prescribed was like giving a tic tac to a whale. I am not all about taking medicine and stuff, but I was not bearing the pain very well.

In short, for 11 days, I was either in my recliner, trying to find a comfortable position or in the shower running hot water over the area to clean the discharge. No where in there was sleep time. If I was lucky, the pain medication knocked me out for maybe an hour each night.

So, you have to find a silver lining in all of this stuff. I lost another 20 lbs - 6 of which I gained back from being down on the toe. And, with the law of averages, I should be golden from here until race time with no more mishaps... knock on wood!

I talked with Coach Mike yesterday and told him I thought I could get back to running and biking on Monday. I can finally use my CompuTrainer that has been sitting in the garage since I bought it :) Not sure how soon I can get a helmet on or get into a pool. But, I can at least walk and run and ride the trainer. I am hoping in 7 to 10 days I am back to normal - and normal is a relative term :)

Hallah asked me the other day how my toe was doing. I asked her what she was talking about. She said, "You know, your broke it, remember?" I was like, oh yeah; toe is fine honey, thanks! I totally forgot about that. Funny how your focus gets sifted....

So, looks like a 3 week break and still time to get back and come back strong. Keeping up with the nutrition and hoping to come back strong! It's all about the journey!!!!