Sunday 4/2/06 - Much needed Rest day and Summary of the week

Yeah, I am just a tad bit sore today. That stupid garden still needs to get done. We had a 150 year old oak tree go down (into my neighbor's house, Thank God, instead of my office - I don't think my neighbor knows the link to my blog :) ) during Hurricane Ivan a couple of years ago. Found some freaking huge roots - I mean HUGE - that need to be dug up. Couldn't figure out why my cabbage wasn't growing like the other veggies in the garden. Know why now. I don't feel like swinging an ax today, but don't really have a choice. I am logging this as an official workout by God!
Nice volume increase this week - even with missing about 5 hours of training! Swim was a bit lite, but sure picked up the bike and run volumes.
I have a 2 hour massage scheduled for tomorrow. Can not wait for that. I may even take masters up a notch in the morning anticipating getting 'fixed' later in the day.
Slept like a little baby last night. I think i was too tired to mess with my mask last night. After finishing in the Yard, I hit the last 3 episodes of Band of Brothers- awesome documentary - and hit the bed. I sure could have used the time change giving me an extra hour to sleep instead of taking it from me :)
For the numbers junkies, here is my ride file in CyclingPeaks from yesterday. Goal is to eventually not have to smooth the file to make it readable. Slowly but surely...

Tomorrow starts anew. I think I will get my order in from and have my Recoverite mix in to start using. Can't wait to try it out and the other goodies I ordered....
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