Sunday 4/9/06 - Summary

Well, I tried to get out and make up my 3 hour ride (which I only got an hour in yesterday due to weather) and 2 hour walk. I so was not feeling this today. My back and legs were killing me from laying sod all day and I just wasn't in the mood either.
So, I rationalize that I can just sit on the trainer for 3 hours and then go walk. Yeah, like that will ever happen. I did this once a few years back as I was watching IMLIVE and it wasn't a whole lot of fun then. But, you know how we talk ourselves into things. I should have known i was doomed from the start.
I didn't even get an hour in. I think I made it 53 minutes and I was done. Back and legs were just not there and I will have to scratch this one up to just being tired and interrupted by weather on the scheduled day.
Funny, the sun stayed out long enough to lay sod for 5 hours on Saturday.
I didn't even attempt the run due to the way my legs were feeling and my attitude. I have a 2 hour massage scheduled Tuesday - can't wait!
Didn't make goal of getting every workout in and probably missed the most important 2 of the week. I see next week is a recovery week and it has come right on time.
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